HuffPost World Daily Brief: Leaning Big Ben.. Former PM Jailed.. Evo Morales Laptops

Tuesday, October 11, 2011
KABUL, Afghanistan — A major investigation into an influential Afghan governor accused of taking bribes has been shut down and its top prosecutor transferred to a unit that doesn't handle corruption cases, Afghan and U.S. officials said.
Mexican Marines Seize 4 Tons Of Marijuana, Kill 11 Cartel Members
Copts Bury Slain Protesters, Blame Egyptian Military For Deaths
Britain's Big Ben Is Leaning Askew
Oil Leaking Ship May Become Worst Environmental Sea Disaster In NZ's History
Evo Morales Laptops Generate Criticism
Matt Browne: Aux Armes, Les Cityonnes!
Last night, Le Parti Socialiste (French Socialist Party) inaugurated its first-ever presidential primary. What is beyond doubt now is that there are already two clear winners -- beyond Monsieur Hollande and Madame Aubry.
Elton John: There's a Global War Against the Right of Gay People to Live and Love. We Need to Fight Back
There is a global war going on against the right of an entire group to fall in love. But this doesn't have to happen, and a new group, if it is supported, could ensure just that.
Michelle Chen: Africa and the International Criminal Court: Is Global Justice Blind?
When several prominent Kenyans appeared before the ICC recently, they were judged by a legal standard that no one should be above. But to critics, the court itself isn't above politics that too often get in the way of real justice.
Susan Davis: Women Like Sirleaf and Gbowee Clear Africa's Path to Prosperity
The awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, Leyman Gbowee and Tawakul Karman speaks to the crucial role women have played in securing peace in former conflict zones.
Sami Moubayed: iSad in Damascus: Syrians Reclaim Steve Jobs
Few people know that Apple founder and icon Jobs originally came from Syria. As the news of Jobs' death vibrated throughout the globe, young technology-savvy Syrians mourned his death, laying claim to a computer genius who revolutionized the world.
