Can Part-Time Vegetarianism Help The Planet?

Monday, October 10, 2011
Have you avoided your meat today?

More and more people are going vegetarian -- at least part-time -- as they join a movement that suggests even a small change in their diet can pay dividends for both their health and the health of the planet.
Solyndra And Keystone XL: Partisan Politics And Energy In America
'Tough Choices' Ahead For Thirsty Texas, Water Experts Say
Erasing The EPA: GOP Strategy Would Roll Back Decades Of Protection
The Problem With Shifting Scientists From Invasive Species To Anti-Terrorism
Pipeline Opponents' Last Chance To Urge State Department To Stop
Jeffrey Sachs: The Murdoch Legacy
The Wall Street Journal last week performed its usual disservice by publishing an extremely misleading opinion piece on climate change. That column is not merely an opinion piece. It is part of that paper's steady drumbeat of opposition to action on climate change.
Steven Cohen: Steve Jobs and the Power of Technology
Jobs imagined technology as a force to make human lives better. He took technology invented by others and through his genius as a manager and designer, translated those technologies intro transformative commercial products.
Byron Kennard: Name Your Poison: Gay Marriage or Global Warming?
Gays "stole the march" on intolerance by using mass media and pop culture to build public support for gay marriage. Shows like Modern Family and Glee subversively undermine homophobia with comedy.
Alykhan Velshi: Let Them Eat Carbon
Let Them Eat Carbon, the provocative new book by my friend Matthew Sinclair of the UK Taxpayers' Alliance, injects a welcome dose of original thinking into environmental debates. It is a wake-up call for those of us who care about the natural and built environment, but worry that we are paying more for less
January Jones: California Joins Global Movement to Save Sharks
It's official: With a stroke of California Governor Jerry Brown's pen, the entire U.S. West Coast has now banned the trade of shark fins.
